Inna Gorbatenko, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral Fellow


Social Profile:

Research Interests

​My research interests cover a range of topics from combustion of alternative fuels, advanced modes of engine operation, optimisation of bio-fuels for transport, to gas-phase kinetics and fluid dynamics. I am particularly interested in understanding which fuel properties offer the greatest potential engine efficiency improvements. This can help in selection of an optimal alternative fuel candidate for its effective use within conventional and advanced engine technologies.

Selected Publications


  • ​2020:  Ph.D. and M.Sc., Fluid Dynamics, University of Leeds, UK
  • 2012: B.Sc., Aviation Technology and Management, University of Leeds, UK

Professional Profile

  • ​2020-present: Postdoctoral fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
  • May 2019 -Sep 2019: Research Associate, Unilever, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Scientific and Professional Membership

  • ​Combustion Institute
  • Participant of COST action network group SMARTCATS(CM1404) promoting the use of smart energy carriers


  • ​EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics Ph.D. Scholarship

KAUST Affiliations

  • ​Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC)
  • Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering (PSE)

Research Interests Keywords

Alternative Fuels Auto-Ignition Engine Knock and Super-Knock Advanced Engine Technologies Gas-Phase Chemical Kinetics Analysis of Kinetic Mechanisms Fluid Dynamics

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King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 1924 – 2015

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  • 4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

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